Hands across

Radical Self-Acceptance Ceremony

Integrating the Shadow

In this Ceremony we transform our own shadow aspects. We will come into contact with our uncool qualities that we don’t like about ourselves and we will fully accept and integrate our repressed uncool aspects into our being. Knowing, that as soon as we come to an unconditional acceptance of them, they will simply dissolve.

This Ceremony is a non-verbal process and preserves privacy and anonymity. We will form a figure of eight, or the sign of infinity, and symbol of God, and we are going to walk along its form to integrate the light and the dark aspects of ourselves.


Duration: 2 ½ hours
Costs: € 30 / £ 25 (please pay in €)


Derry - Londonderry
Northern Ireland


On the website: Warenkorb

for Derry/Londonderry phone: 028 71 36 38 60 Rowena Corner or send an E-mail: rowenacorner@hotmail.co.uk
for Omagh phone: 028 8225 00 16 Sinéad Meenagh
or contact me on my mobile: 079 34 239 122 Verena Anliker Ireland