Verena Anliker

Certified Radical Forgiveness Coach

Verena Anliker

Since 1988 I have accompanied people as a consultant and a teacher in Conscious Breathing.

Since 1989 I have been creating „even“ healing necklaces, specific to the name of the person, who orders it.

Since 2006 I am a Certified Radical Forgiveness Coach, trained by Coling Tipping and Hina Fruh. I offer single or group sessions in „Conscious Breathing“ according to Leonard Orr. Radical Forgiveness sessions and ceremonies, according to Colin C. Tipping.

My work with Radical Forgiveness

It is my deepest wish to support people in being at peace with themselves.
During many years of working with people and their personal processes, I realised the importance of self-acceptance and the willingness to forgive. Radical Forgiveness empowers us to recognize our negative beliefs and to dissolve pain and resentment.
During this process we learn to open up our hearts and to accept and love ourselves and others.
