Londonstreet 8, Derry-Londonderry

Private sessions

The Tipping Method allows us to recognize negative beliefs and to dissolve pain and resentment. It helps us to shift our perception and enables us to let go of being a victim.

I look forward to guiding you through a Radical Forgiveness process and together we will work out a way how you can further deepen the radical forgiveness work at home, for example by assigning specific tasks for you to fulfil between sessions.


Duration: 1 to 1 ½ hours
1st session: 1 ½ to 2 hours

Costs: to be agreed

After the first private session it is possible to agree on telephone sessions.


8, London Street
Derry BT48 6RQ


Per mail:
Phone: 079 34 239 122 mobile Verena Ireland

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