Bild: zwei Hände die sich berühren

Traditional forgiveness is 'letting bygones be bygones.' And that's OK as far as it goes. But because the belief that something bad happened remains, we still think of ourselves as having been victimized. This results in a struggle between two conflicting energies.

The more you were hurt or damaged, the more the scales will naturally tip towards the need to condemn. Not surprisingly then, it takes very many years to achieve - if at all.

RADICAL Forgiveness, on the other hand is virtually instantaneous, easy to do and can be achieved using some very simple tools. It requires no special knowledge, no special skill or discipline. It is not so much something we do; rather it is a spiritual viewpoint that we are willing to take.

RADICAL Forgiveness occurs simply as a consequence of our opening up to the possibility that everything happens for a reason, and there are no mistakes. If we could see the spiritual big picture (which we cannot), we would understand that the situation was divinely guided and happened not TO us but FOR us. Also, that our Spiritual Intelligence actually called forth the experience for our healing and our spiritual growth.

It is experienced as a shift in consciousness, or a movement of energy both within ourselves and throughout the situation itself, such that elements within the situation itself shift and change. Such changes begin to look like miracles.
from the book: " Radical Forgiveness" of Colin C. Tipping